Get Ready to Audition for Scholarship
The upcoming 2013/2014 season is upon us! Ever thought of auditioning for a serious dance training program? Where professionals and students alike flock for the opportunity to be a one-of? Well the Vancouver Company will be holding auditions at The Dance Centre, downtown Vancouver at 667 Davie Street, on April 14, 1-3 PM! It’s time to[…]
Save the ballet
Ballet Kelowna It’s time to be moved – and if you haven’t already, it’s time to experience Ballet Kelowna. Although tough times led to a temporary cancellation of spring tour dates, the company thrillingly announces to be back on track; able to complete their performance line up, this now comes due to a collective community[…]
15 Truths
I just recently came across a blog post from The Portland Ballet which truly put it on the line in a number of points referred to as truths. When one decides to be a dancer, and packs up her belongings, her mementos, keepsakes, PortaBarre and PortaFloor, and makes the big move to a city or[…]
Scholarship Dance Vancouver on Stage – Have a Look!
Click on this link to be directed to a performance video by Scholarship Dance Vancouver!!
Saintsations prep and teach
32 in all, the New Orleans team may not be playing in the game but its dancers will definitely have their act in gear for the annual knock-out half-time show. All dancers practically since birth, learning an additional 10 dances to their regular season 30, it’s a welcomed challenge and opportunity unlike any other. Check out this[…]
Stability on and off the barre
Any dancer will testify the power of stability and balance. Those two elements are the foundation of dance. They hold it all together. Dance and movement and the beauty of what stems from a solid grounding and understanding of posture, structure, strength, placement can be taught, retaught and practice-practice-practiced. And thus it is an inspiration to know[…]
Who made the rules?
Who made the rules? View Tara Stiles’ Reebok yoga videos on her YouTube channel and be inspired! no one made the rules in what you get to do in life… go out and do it!
Very cool video…
Very cool video just posted on
Guess What, Lovers of Hendrix? has done a fabulous job uniting our love for Rock n roll, dance and entertainment…. not to mention it will all be in the air on Valentine’s Day, taking stage once again for their Lovers of Hendrix show at the Electric Owl Social Club in Vancouver, British Columbia. If this doesn’t say perfect night out[…]

Must check out Army of Sass!
Time to check out Army of Sass, Vancouver! The ARMY of SASS is a rank of business partners, dancers, and training programs that are derived from the Nuvo-Burlesque Dance brand. This is a movement where all women train together, dance together, go out together and most importantly, perform together! We call it a sisterhood. Creator,[…]
This is a great new dance song from Rihanna! It’s SO Janet Jackson!
Up and go
It’s that time of year again, the new time. The time in which we all take a second to evaluate where we’re headed; is the talent which was granted to us when breathed into life being put to good use? Are we fulfilling was is not only our desire and dream but also our role[…]
Happy New Year, All Around The World
A ballerina’s Christmas list
Recently running a silent auction for a New York hurricane relief event, I was beyond thrilled to receive a pair of autographed pointe shoes from the New York City Ballet. We auctioned them off in our “12 days of…” themed silent auction and they represented “11 ladies dancing.” Making for a lovely Christmas gift, there can only be[…]
Christmas for dancers
It’s that time of year again. It gets a little too cold to enjoy the commute to dance class, you get that clammy feel when the crisp air hits your heated body on the way out, the Radio City Rockettes start kicking into their 85th year and the buses around New York can be spotted[…]
How to Save the World One Dance at a Time – ABC News
How to Save the World One Dance at a Time – ABC News.