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Up and go

It’s that time of year again, the new time. The time in which we all take a second to evaluate where we’re headed; is the talent which was granted to us when breathed into life being put to good use? Are we fulfilling was is not only our desire and dream but also our role and responsibility? Who we are is one thing, what we do with it is another. Talents are not to be buried in the ground, they are to be used. Are we working as hard as we can? What do we have to do to achieve success? Failure may only be failing to try, but to be the best, you can’t stop trying. Persevere, drive yourself, never give up.

For dancers there is always the next audition. There is endless training. There is always room for improvement. So unpack your dance portabarre and get to work.

New projects on the horizon? If you’ve ever thought of the big city move, Broadway Dance Center in New York City (the center of the dance universe) offers a student visa program, perfect for the Canadian and the internationals. You can spend up to a year in intensive training at the renowned studio in the heart of Manhattan – the next deadline for application submissions is February 5, 2013; check out the link.

If you’re interested in Musical Theatre, checking out won’t do you any harm either, as they are one of the leading training programs for Broadway performer-strivers and will work you to the bone while preparing you with an incredible dose of information for entering the work field as a performer, all in three summer weeks.

If you’re fresh out of high school and looking to continue your education before attempting a career in dance, the Canadian College of Performing Arts is a school I personally attended for one year and will give you a good grasp on whether schooling is crucial for you as an individual or whether you want to just go out and do it; after one year I knew I needed to move to New York, but perhaps CCPA will be an ideal fit for you and you’ll continue on. Diplomas are now offered in addition to a certificate in performing arts from the college; auditions will be held in the spring of 2013.

Good luck in the new year honing your talents and being all you can be! Keep your goals close and your portabarre closer!

– love from J