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New Year, New Upgrade

First off, here’s En-Pointe wishing all our 5-6-7-8 dancers and readers a very happy New Year! May 2014 be an opportunity to grow, dance, train, better our bodies, mind and soul – on the barre, off the barre, in the studio and in the world.

As I went about brainstorming the best way to encourage dancers moving upward and onward into the New Year, I couldn’t help but feel it necessary to incorporate our online inspirations which are at our fingertips, anytime, anywhere. The community and visual presence of choreographers on YouTube continues to flourish, and many are reaching out to dancers freely, granting opportunity to teach, to learn, and to participate. I have mentioned Jasmine Meakin before from the MeganJam website and channel but make sure to check out her current uploaded video of a Lady Gaga “Applause” routine here:

it’s well worth it (and if that doesn’t get you eager to get up and dance, I don’t know what will!). In addition, she has partnered with Coca Cola in a campaign to help fight aids called MOVE for the MOVEment in which a simple dance can help… so get grooving. Promoting the fact that Coca Cola will donate $25,000 for the first 1000 videos uploaded to featuring the signature campaign move, she’ll teach this easy step to you in a simple video seen here:

Getting inspired to dance for a reason with #cokeREDmoves is pretty neat, huh?

Perhaps this year we can all come up with a plan to put our love for dance to good use. Let’s upgrade our mindset and moves to help better one another, whether by teaching, spreading the joy, entertaining, or raising awareness via online campaigns and projects.

Lastly, check out who I currently have my eye on – in addition to 12 million other viewers – a fantastic dancer who will wow you with her Beyonce Upgrade U moves choreographed by Wildabeast (there’s a tutorial to follow along with as well); this blonde bombshell has got what it takes and we love it:

Have fun in the new year watching, dancing, feeling inspired and inspiring others! Upgrade your potential and put it to good use!

– love from J