As a business owner, you were likely cleaning and disinfecting your studio with great care before the new rules came into place. As a result of COVID though, it’s more important than ever to follow strict disinfecting cleaning guidelines to keep you, your families and dance families safe.
There’s a difference too between cleaning and disinfecting and now we have a science-based answer which is to adjust the frequency of your cleaning to the infection rate in your community.

Did you know that we carry all of Stagestep’s cleaning and maintenance products? Including ProClean D Plus which meets the requirements to correctly disinfect your studio and is effective against novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
It’s important to remember that your disinfectant needs to be 9.9999999% effective. Home products that are 99.9% will not work for disinfecting your studio.
ProClean D Plus
Here’s the science – ProClean D Plus is a “hospital strength” disinfectant. For use in studios, schools, and homes. Suitable for disinfecting non-porous, hard, washable (water-resistant) surfaces and objects such as floors and walls. Can be used on our ballet barres and door handles. Liquid concentrate free of aldehyde, for wipe-on disinfection. Kills bacteria, fungus, algae, and viruses (e.g. effective against hepatitis-B-virus). Coverage/unit is approximately 30,000 sq. ft. (Humidity and temperature will affect actual yield.) Can be used with Stagestep’s Floorcare System.
ProClean D Plus (EPA Reg No. 1839-95) is listed as a product that can be used against SARS-CoV-2. ProClean D Plus meets EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19.
Remember too that for the best results, the most powerful disinfectants will not work on a dirty surface, so make sure you clean first and then disinfect. Viruses will die on clean surfaces and grow on organic matter. We carry all Stagestep’s cleaning products too!
We’re always happy to help so contact us for more information, pricing and to order our disinfecting and cleaning products.