Tap atop PortaFloor

Say the headline aloud and it will sound like a rhythm itself; now use your PortaFloor and take that rhythm everywhere. Take note from one of tap dancing’s finest and leader in this art, Jason Samuels Smith.
Performer, choreographer and director, Samuels-Smith has much acclaim to his name. Both Emmy Award winner and American Choreography Award winner, he also received a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles for creating the First Annual Los Angeles Tap Festival in 2003. From childhood training under the great Frank Hatchett to appearing in “Tap Heat,” appearing on “So You Think You Can Dance” to founding his own dance company titled Anyone Can Get It (A.C.G.I.) Samuels-Smith still fits in regular teaching at New York City’s Broadway Dance Center, not to mention his public PortaFloor presentations for whomever’s enjoyment.
Here Jason Samuels Smith performs on Market Street in San Francisco where the crowd encourages him to get back on his PortaFloor!
A true inspiration in the dance world and an encouragement in taking your dance everywhere, “It’s about expressing an internal rhythm and a feeling that you have inside, and this expression just happens to be musical but it happens to be a dance at the same time and the fact that you can incorporate these elements together is really unique.” – Jason Samuels Smith.
It’s not just the taps on the shoes, it’s how you move, how you walk – those things make you a tap dancer according to Samuels-Smith, who you can follow on Twitter at @jsamsmith. Also, check out this “Bloch” video inspired by Samuels-Smith where he touches on the understanding of what it takes to dance:
Also take note: his company officially on tour, the A.C.G.I. Facebook page will keep you updated with the latest on their shows and locations. https://www.facebook.com/JasonSamuelsSmithACGI
Jason Samuels Smith will also be featured at the Stockholm Tap Festival, April 16-22nd 2014, to celebrate its 5th year anniversary. It includes 7 days of classes, live musical jam sessions, cutting contest, and more. Perfect for a PortaFloor holiday! Visit www.StockholmTapFestival.com for more or visit their YouTube site here: www.YouTube.com/StockholmTapFestival.
– love from J